More than the sentimental value, the memories, the security, the fun, the achievement that any person is getting out of collecting things, is the much consideration of resources, collecting stuff is actually a costly hobby.
I knew of someone who intensively collect Thai Buddhas, she has tons of Buddhas in her house from the smallest to the biggest they’re all over, in fact she spent a thousand dollars just to have her door panel carved in Thailand with a serene sitting Buddha in it, I really despise the idea of staying in her house alone, my imagination would run wild thinking, suppose all of these gods would come alive, I might not be able to pray but run for my life.
Another collector I know is someone who lives under my nose and that’s my MIL (mom-in-law). She owns quiet number of glass and porcelain jars. Some of these she purposely bought in Beijing, some were acquired from a Chinese merchant who knew nothing but ‘feeling a luck’ out of these heavy jars.
She also owned a very fine green-colored glass blown vase with an angel inside; I wonder how the artist did it, but she said she bought it when they joined a tour in Venice some years ago as a souvenir. It’s like one of those Murano vase that is very popular in Venice for its magnificent artistry and quality. Among her glass collections that one I coveted the most.
There are actually many Murano glass collectors items now available online, but I told you, I cannot afford to fund my fascination. But if you share the same passion as mine - collecting glass art, why not check out www.glassofvenice.com, they have the most exquisite and quality guaranteed collection of glass arts available online.
They also carry women’s items, like glass necklaces, pendants, earrings and many more. So, check it out, and place your order now.
mga ing ani dko ka afford...eehhehehe!