For a society all drench with consumerism what can be more awesome, er socially pleasing than sending someone, er you’re special someone with material stuff representing your love and affection this Valentines.
Being a part of this system, I’ve made my own list of would-love-to-have stuff this Valentines. I’m obsessed with this cat, we’re actually of the same age - thirty something, and guess what? - during our tender years we used to hang out very often, I tell yah, you can see around getting along so very, very well.
I’ve been busy with life, you know – family and all that stuff, had no time and eventually lie lowed seeing this cat, thing with this fella even how long you’ll gonna dumped her she won’t hold a grudge against you, a reason why I love her much. Lately out of the blue she appeared in a quite unusual manner, not her usual pinky self, but this time a lot prettier … wow, seeing her in black rekindled that long burning connection between us …
I can’t wait to play with her anymore … need to cart her out …

Sephora Hello Kitty Noir Eyeshadow and Lip Gloss Palette
Sephora Hello Kitty Shimmering Powder and Eyeshadow Palette

Sephora Hello Kitty Noir 5-Piece Brush Set
Sephora Hello Kitty Noir Hand Held Mirror
Amazing post and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!