Going shopping again? Ahhh, life, this is probably the best pastime modern capitalist and consumerist world can offer women. I remember Erma Bombeck – you know that legendary, eloquent American humorist woman famous for her newspapers columns about the life of suburban women back in the 90’s? Yes, she once wrote … shopping is a woman thing, it’s a contact sport like football, women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death and the ecstasy of the purchase … she sure was dang right!
But gladly, I’ve learn shopping the 21st century way, nobody’s going to stamp on my pedis anymore – in fact, shopping now can be done 24 hours a day, anytime, anywhere, rain or shine at the comforts of my bedroom – all you need is a card number and you’re ready to cart your Gucci, your Prada or your Manolo – but be warned ladies, don’t overdo it or you’ll find yourself get buried in credit mud, but it’ll be a relief if you can find someone to take this on for you, alright! That’s on a more upscale level, but hey, you don’t need to die for those Pradas, when there are quality others available online, in fact, there’s a whole lot of them.
I recently ran into G&L Clothing, their web address is www.gandlclothing.com, it’s an online store which sells famous brands like Levi’s, Dickies, Wrangler and a lot more, they carry clothing lines for men, kids, footwear and even safety Flame Resistant Clothing, they too can also make corporate uniforms if you run a company, just get in touch with them. Or better check their site now as they have ongoing rock-bottom sale, I can't wait to cart off this riding jeans.. lovely right?
Alright, who says you can’t buy happiness, you know, those people simply doesn’t know where to shop. Good Luck!
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