Book Musings: The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah

I managed to read few pages every night and finally I came to an end. Kristin Hannah has always a way with words and I love all her books. Her latest, The Great Alone, is about a girl who is caught between the issues of her parents and her life adventure moving from one place to the great alone, Alaska.

The setting happened like long time ago so definitely Alaska wasn’t as populous as it is now. Had it been me, I could already have died of frost. But that’s what humans are, we’re so adaptive that we always confront our environment head on to survive if not to thrive.

I don’t know with the universe, coincidence or something else, but every time I pick a book to read it’s always about travel, adventure and life of the characters in between. This book made Alaska look like a beautiful and a treacherous destination, at least in the setting of this book.

I like it that at the end of their journey, the idea of hope, possibilities and optimism were drawn like everyone will have it when they believe.

They say, a book is good when the characters change a bit of you when you’re done reading it. This book made me pull tissues over and over again, made me realize that sometimes love in all forms can be toxic as heck when you lose yourself in it. 

Violence will also repeat its cycle over and over again when an abused partner will just forgive and never put intervention into it, in reference to Leni’s parents.

If you wish to know what it’s like to live and let live in Alaska, this book will bring you to a journey you’ll never forget.

Thank you for sharing this book to us, Kristin Hannah!

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