Face it. In any relationship, conflict is inevitable. And when you’re part of a couple who really want to remain a couple, conflict can be very, very scary. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Whether you’re battling over finances, sexual tensions, boundaries or parenting issues, couples counseling with a caring therapist like you’d find at couples counseling Philadelphia can help. And by doing so, it can change your world.
Effective couples counseling will teach each of you more about yourselves, your partner and the ways you interact with one another. With you new knowledge, you can replace the conflict-causing behaviors destroying your relationship with ones that make you a healthier, stronger and happier couple.
What to Expect
You might be surprised in how deep-reaching a couples counseling experience can be. When The Center for Growth you choose has therapists specializing in your problem areas, the kinds of conflicts that have been keeping you from a truly fulfilling relationship can be overcome.
With patience, persistence and your therapist’s guidance, you’ll:
- Define the kind of life you want to share.
- Confront and conquer the individual habits that prevent you from building that life.
- Learn to work as equal members of a team.
- Recognize that being a team doesn’t exclude your from enjoying separate pursuits.
- Become willing to examine your mutual progress and adjust what needs adjusting.
Accepting the Challenge
You may be thinking "Easier said than done," and you're not wrong. At first, it will be a challenge. Rooting out conflicts requires a commitment. Commitments take time. You'll have to set aside other things to be with each other or your family. That means time away from work, hobbies or other friends.
It all comes down to accepting that none of us can really have it all. Once you've done that, it's so much simpler to make the most of what you do have -- a life shared with a partner who's making the same sacrifices you are to keep your relationship at the center of your world.
When a conflict does arise, you'll face it without having to resort to attacks. Couples counseling gives you the tools to actively listen and understand one another, identify your differences and find ways to work around the ones you can.
Even if you can't completely resolve a conflict, the effort to work on it as a team will deepen your level of intimacy. And intimacy, after all, is what being a real couple is all about!
(Image: CTO)
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