Loans and financing has become one of the lucrative businesses in the recent years. It has become a robust business owing to the increasing necessity for quick cash due also to the increasing fluid demands of cash for spending for all kinds of things and circumstance people can think of possible in this modern times.
Line 24 Software offers solution with multiple features of easing loans and financing business transactions by providing cost-effective, efficient, customizable and user-friendly automated loans and financing information management system.
Line 24 Software Loans / Financing Management Information System is a solid and robust software engine that can be used to track operation details of any nature of loans and financing business. Line 24 Software facilitates customer quality experience by providing fast turnaround of service, transparency, competency and efficiency of lending solution services.
Line 24 Software Loans / Financing Management Information System include the following modules with key features and functionalities;
Customers Profile
This module will collect and store all customers/clients information. Line 24 Software has configurable interface, it can be customized based on client’s requirements.
Loans Management
This module has end-to-end loan entry transactions monitoring from status of application, loans approval to clients corresponding payments. This module also provides a comprehensive history of loans, payments, penalties made by respective customers. The module can be customized based on client’s standard company operating policies and securities.
Cashiering/Payment Module
This module will facilitate the savings remittance and payment of loans of respective members or payees. These payments will be automatically recorded to the member’s respective savings and/or loan account.
Expected Reports
This module will facilitate viewing and printing of reports such as but not limited to;
- Amortization Table
- Add-on Rate Scheme
- Diminishing Balance
- Fixed Monthly Payment Scheme
- Fixed Principal Payment Scheme
- Statement of Accounts
- Detailed Customer Loans Ledger
- Subsidiary Ledger per Agent Account
- Customer/Client Master List
- Payments Summary
- Aging of Accounts Receivable.
- Etc.
Any other feature reports the client deem necessary for their perusal can be custom added.
Line 24 Software’s strong attribute is our capability to walk through with our client. Line 24 Software being a custom software company allows our clients to layout its policies and parameters and from there on develop the application to suit the client’s requirement.
Line 24 Software support and after-care comes in variety of levels. This will start from consulting, bug fixes, incident on-site and online resolution, patches, updates and systems upgrade.
For free demonstration and quotation and inquiries, email us at or call us at 0945 289 9263 (Globe) / 0932 726 5721 (Sun). For more information visit our website at
About Line 24 Software
Line 24 Software Development Corp. is a custom software development company based in Davao City Philippines. Its prime products provide power engine solutions to soaring entities in today’s complex business world. Line 24 Software custom develops modules for business applications and provide solid after-care advantage be it onsite and online. To know more about Line 24 Software products and services, visit the website at
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